Manchester Supplementary Schools Partnership (MSSP)
About the Partnership
The Manchester Supplementary School Partnership is a group of leaders and teachers from supplementary schools and out-of-school settings in Manchester. The Partnership works together to exchange experience, share learning and resources, and advocate and celebrate the amazing work of supplementary schools in Manchester.
The Partnership was set up in 2022 by a small group of supplementary school leaders, wishing to write a joint funding bid together. It has now grown to over 30 schools who meet termly to get together, access training and support, and network. Together, these 30 schools reach over 3000 young people a month.
The Partnership is administered jointly by Young Manchester, Making Education a Priority and the YPF Trust's National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education, working closely with Manchester City Council's Safeguarding in Education Team.
Partnership Priorities
Priorities until September 2023 are:
Evidencing impact for fundraising;
Youth voice and children's rights;
Growing the partnership;
Learning and capacity building, and;
Finding physical space
Join the Partnership
If you're a teacher or leader at a Supplementary School supporting children and young people from Manchester City Council area, we'd love to welcome you to the partnership! Just fill in the form below and we'll add you to the group.